Pfizer will grant for the 4th  time the Pfizer Oncology Award worth € 25.000 to one innovative project in Belgium or Luxembourg !

 For which projects?

This innovative project can be either a clinical research or a multidisciplinary and/ or trans mural collaboration which aims at significantly improving the quality and availability of patient care in oncology. Patient care does not only refer to clinical, surgical, medical or technical aspects but also to the different ways of collaboration and/or organisation between various health care providers or different levels of care during the course of the disease. Fundamental research and clinical drug trials are out of scope.

 Who can submit a project?

The project must be realized in collaboration with a hospital, a network of hospitals, a university, a certified medical centre or scientific society in Belgium or Luxembourg.  Also, the project should not yet be in the implementation phase but rather in a conceptual or design stage. Some preliminary work however may already have been done before, and in that case it should be explained in the submission form.

 The Jury

The Pfizer Oncology Award is granted on a yearly basis and the winning project will be selected by an independent scientific committee which is composed of medical oncologists, haematologists, and onco-nurse representatives. The jury is chaired by Prof. Sylvie Rottey (University Hospital Gent).

 In practice

Projects can be submitted online only via the website from July 15th until September 30th and must be in English. On this site you will also be able to consult the rules and evaluation criteria as well as the composition of the jury. The 2019 Pfizer Oncology Award will be distributed at the occasion of the yearly BSMO/ Bordet meeting in Brussels which is taking place this year on November 22nd and 23rd.


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